I have worked with these cards for over 30 years now. People love the simplicity of the single word and image that they provide. A really great tool to ground and inspire yourself.
Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian practice of compassion, forgiveness and appreciation. In this book science meets mysticism as epigenetics and quantum physics are worked with to explain how Ho'oponopono works. Worthwhile practice to experiment with to see if it works for you.
Step-by-step instructions from a Master teacher to help you live a new extraordinary life. This book gives you the science of transformation in a clear and easy to read style. You too can live a multidimensional life standing in your full power and potential.
You can apply these 4 basic agreements in your life and watch for evidence of positive changes in yourself and the world around you.
The wisdom of botanist and Indigenous scientist Robin Wall Kimmerer in this book allows you an opportunity to transform your perspective regarding plants. This book will inspire you to develop your relationships with the plant world. Through listening to the voices of the flora you bring yourself into alignment with the Oneness of all that is.
Learn an easy routine that you can apply to specific areas of your life that you want to transform.
Challenge your belief systems about how your body works with the ideas Dr Bruce Lipton writes about in this book. Learn the importance of perception and the role it plays in our physical well being and in our life in general. Warning: once you learn this you can never go back.
Gregg Braden has a way of making complex science very simple and understandable. In this book he clearly presents alternative ideas of our origins which give way to allow us to tap in to extraordinary abilities. Braden provides tools, techniques and processes to develop our intuition. With a new view of where we came from we open up solutions to social issues and well as challenges in our personal lives. Braden advocates for a new human story to be told, one in which we stand in full empowerment.
Shaman don Jose Ruiz introduces you to the power of ceremony. He provides inspiration and instructions to help you begin to experiement in your life with ideas like power objects, personal altars and honoring your ancestors.
If you feel better in light and notice a mood shift when it is darker (seasons; working in-doors) then experiment with a 'happy light'.
If you feel better in light then type in the rest of the sentence
If you feel better in light and notice a mood shift when it is darker (seasons; working in-doors) then experiment with a 'happy light'.